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Geography Co-Ordinator:  Mrs Elly Coppenhall
Curriculum Vision

At Carlton Church of England  Primary School we want Geography to challenge children to achieve a good curiosity and imagination about the world and its people. We want it to enable the children to work independently to provide answers to, and  questions about, the natural and human aspects of the world.

What is our aim for the Geography Curriculum?

Geography provides a means of exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live, how people and Earth relate to each other and how that relationship evolves. Our intention is to equip our pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and the natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.

We aim to develop geographical knowledge and skills that are transferable to other aspects of the curriculum and promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, thereby developing a greater understanding of diversity throughout the United Kingdom and beyond. We want children to enjoy and love learning about geography by gaining knowledge and skills, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also with the use of fieldwork and educational visits.


How will we do this?

At Carlton CofE Primary we provide a clear and comprehensive Geography curriculum in line with the National Curriculum. This is achieved through quality first teaching of termly topics, and a range of resources are made available to deepen knowledge and understanding and promote interest. These include books from the local library service, maps, artefacts and educational visits. The school grounds provide opportunities for outdoor learning and links have been formed with the local country park to enable more advanced field work.

Consideration is given to ensure a clear progression of skills and knowledge across the key stages. Children are introduced to key vocabulary and concepts relevant to their stage of learning, and teachers and support staff ensure that learners are challenged and supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.


What will the outcomes be?

Children will leave Carlton Church of England Primary with a love of geography and the enthusiasm to learn more as they move into their new schools. The aim to have all children reach their age-related expectations for the subject and will have a secure understanding of the key concepts and vocabulary associated with the subject. They will be well-placed to build on their learning at a higher level and will be beginning to understand about the world around them, how it has been shaped and their impact on it.