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Governor Information

Carlton VC C of E Primary School Governors

The Governance Structure

The structure of the Full Governing Board meets as a full body once every half term.  Alongside this there are two Committees (Finance & Strategy and Curriculum) these also meet once every half term. 

Meet The Governors:
Hilary Tuohy - Chair of the Governing Board

Foundation Governor. (Foundation DBE or PCC Approved).

Finance and Strategic Committee

Responsible for:  Child Protection, Community Liaison,  Performance Management, Safeguarding Inclusion and SEND

Appointed by the St Albans Diocese on  30/09/2021

Term of Office until 29/05/2025 .

Pecuniary Interests: None

Emma Simpson - Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair of the Governing Board

Finance and Strategic Committee

Responsible for:   Looked after Children and  EYFS

Appointed by Full Governing Body 29.09.23

Term of office ends 29.09.27

Pecuniary Interests: Married to a member of staff

Jo Bevis - Head teacher

Finance and Strategic Committee

Curriculum Committee and Finance Committee

Appointed by Full Governing Board - Automatic membership as Headteacher 19/04/22

Term of Office ends when Headship ends.

Pecuniary interests:  None declared.

Claire Bassett - Parent Governor

Curriculum Committee (Humanities)

Appointed by Parents/Carers  09.02.22

Term of office ends 08.02.26

Pecuniary Interests:  None Declared.

Eleanor Coppenhall - Local Authority Governor

Curriculum Committee

Responsible for:  Health and Safety

Appointed by Governors with LEA approval on  24/05/2022 

Term of office ends 24.05.26

Pecuniary Interest:  None declared but Member of Staff

Rev. Jacqueline Curtis - Foundation Governor

Curriculum Committee

Responsible for:   RE

Appointed by St Albans Diocese on 04.01.17

Term of office ends 31.05.25

Pecuniary Interests:   None declared

John Kokot-Blamey - Co-opted Governor

Finance and Strategic Committee

Curriculum Committee (STEM)

Appointed by Full Governing Body 10.02.22

Term of office ends 09.02.26

Pecuniary Interests: Employed by DfE

Katherine Wilkinson - Parent Governor

Curriculum Committee

Responsible for:  English, Training  & Wellbeing

Appointed by Parents/Carers on 09.02.22

Term of office ends 08.02.26

Caroline Williams - Staff Governor

Curriculum Committee

Appointed by Staff on 16.03.22

Term of office ends on 15.03.26

Pecuniary Interest:  None declared but Member of Staff

Aleshia Frost - Associate Governor

Curriculum Committee

Appointed by FGB on 6-6-24

Term of Office ends September 2024

Pecuniary Interest:   None declared but is a Member of Staff