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Welcome to Hedgehog's Class!

We are a mixed class of Year 1 and Year 2 children taught by Miss Rochford on a Monday and Mrs Simmonds from Tuesday through to Friday.  We are also very lucky to have support from Mrs Muldowney, Mrs Lam and Miss Carry. 

During the Autumn term we are lucky enough to have a student teacher with us, Miss Bowyer, who I am sure you will see around. 

We do P.E. on Monday and Tuesday. We ask that children bring their P.E. kits to school with them. Forest school is on a Thursday afternoon during Autumn and Summer Term 1.

We are very grateful for parental support. We encourage children to read for 10 - 15 minutes a day and then please ensure their reading records are complete. Spellings come home weekly for children to practise and we encourage children (especially year 2's) to learn the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 

We use Class Dojo to update you on changes and to show you what the children are experiencing.  

If you have any queries, please see the teacher at the end of the day, or alternatively send a Dojo message.