Maths Co-Ordinators - Mrs J Bevis and Mrs Simmonds
Maths Curriculum Vision
At Carlton Church of England Primary school we want to inspire young children to become confident problem solvers and to use their mathematical ability across the curriculum. We will encourage children to be become ‘deep thinkers’ using their learnt maths skills so that they can be recalled quickly and transferred and applied into different contexts. We want children to reach their full potential, be confident in their learning, and be prepared for future problem solving.
What we want to achieve:
At Carlton C of E Primary School we value a maths curriculum that is sequential, progressive and builds on prior learning; that is creative and engaging with an emphasis placed on ‘real-life problems’. We ensure that all our children can access this curriculum and plan for every child to make progress in lessons. Maths is the foundation for understanding our world and we want them to know the purpose behind their learning and to apply their knowledge to their everyday lives. We want them to love maths.
How we will do this:
We follow White Rose Maths, which we adapt, to ensure that our children have full coverage of the Maths National Curriculum. This planning allows our children to have a comprehensive understanding of number and helps to their knowledge. Teachers will also use their expertise, experience and professional judgements to ensure that planning is adapted for maximum impact. All children are catered for within the maths lesson ensuring that the teacher offers the necessary support and challenge for individual progress.
We use a wide range of manipulatives to aid and support our children in their learning. We encourage children to work in their ‘wobbly zone’. ICT is used widely across each year group to deliver the maths curriculum and to offer a range of exciting activities to challenge and inspire. Parents are encouraged to help their children at home by, reinforcing the same strategies we teach in school and encouraging the children to apply their learning in ‘real-life tasks’. We aim to inspire the deepest of learning so that their knowledge can be transferred and applied in other subject areas such as science and art, as well as their everyday lives.
We use a range of strategies to embed knowledge and understanding such as working walls and we promote maths across the curriculum to support their learning and provide extra challenge.
Our aim is to ensure that the 3 core areas of the National Curriculum: fluency, reasoning and problem solving are covered in all our lessons where possible. Reasoning is a key area in all our lessons as our children need to be able to:
Describe, explain, convince, justify and prove to be successful in this subject.
Mathematical vocabulary is an essential part of each lesson and we aim to deepen understanding through them being able to make rich connections across other areas within this subject. Each lesson provides the opportunity for children to reason through their ideas, use their mathematical language to explore a line of enquiry and problem solve routine and non-routine problems. We also use STEM sentences to support children with their explanations and learning.
We aim to build problem solvers of the future and to build resilience in our children.
Structure Of A Maths Lessons
Teachers have a flexible approach to the structure of their lessons so that they can reach the needs of an ambitious maths curriculum. However, all maths lessons must have the following key elements:
- Skills practice
- Modelling by the teacher
- Working together
- Independent Activity & Challenge
- Plenary/mini-review
All lessons will cater for the individual needs of the children and to include some element of reasoning and problem solving. Questioning is a key part of the maths lesson – letting the children demonstrate what they know and challenging them every step.
By the end of each year at Carlton Church of England Primary we want the children to have reached their Age-Related Expectations and be able to solve problems relating to their year’s maths objectives. The children will know a range of strategies that they can use to solve both arithmetic problems and word problems. They will use mathematical language expected for their age range and be able to explain their reasoning. The children will be ready and able to move into their next year group.
By the end of Year 4 all children will be able to quickly recall their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.
By the end of Year 6 children will be ready for their secondary school maths adventure. They will use mathematical language to share that they ‘know that because…’ and how they know .