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Welcome to Owls’ class!   

Miss Notaro is the teacher in this class that is made up of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils .  They have Miss Ireland to support Miss Notaro.  Mrs Collier will be teaching in this classroom on some days to cover for Miss Notaro's Non-Contact time. 

This year, Owls are studying History and Geography through the Mayans, exploring Eastern Europe, the Indus Valley, our changing world, the Greeks and mapping skills. They are also developing their scientific enquiry skills through properties and changes to materials, earth and space, humans and health, evolution and living things and their habitats. Check out the curriculum pages for more information on their learning. Year 6s are extremely excited for their class residential trip to PGL in the summer term. The Year 5s get the opportunity to be involved in a school camp out which is always lots of fun! As well as this, they make great use of our fantastic swimming pool. Lessons are taught by qualified swimming teachers – allowing them to achieve the KS2 statutory requirement of swimming 25 meters.


Owls have PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday and are expected to come into school dressed in their PE kit.


We encourage Owls to read at least two books every half-term to further their love of reading and broaden their vocabulary. We also take regular trips to our well-stocked library to further enhance their love for reading.  Your child’s reading level is decided through our accelerated reader programme - these books are the books they need to read when reading to an adult. If you would like your child to read a certain book in class, can you please check that it is within their banded area (which can be found in their reading record) and then they will be able to take a book quiz once they finish. We assess these levels every half term. If your child finds a book they want to read which is not within their band, they can of course have this as their pleasure for reading book and complete quizzes on these too! 


There is a termly homework grid which has a variety of tasks for children to choose from. Four tasks should be completed each half-term  (one from each curriculum area).  Daily TT Rockstars, spelling and reading are also an expectation. 



School council bake sale:

Keep fit!

Math's investigations:


DT - cooking skills:

Atlas skills: