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Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents

Our school motto is ‘Work hard and reach for the stars and you will go far! For with God nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37)’. 

Our vision is:

Our learning ethos is simple, happy children will learn and feel safe to spread their wings and thrive.  

Choosing your child’s nursery or primary school is one of the most important decisions that you will ever make. You need to know that your child will feel safe and secure, and you need to be assured that they will have access to an extensive range of opportunities and experiences that will enhance their learning.    We aim to give your child a life-long love of learning.

We believe that your child is entitled to the very best in education. Here at Carlton C of E Primary and Nursery School, we offer just that!  The excellent facilities include:  spacious classrooms, a forest school area, a swimming pool, two large fields and great playground facilities that are enjoyed by all the children in the school.  We also have a new sensory room this year for children that need to take time to regulate their feelings. 

We believe in hard work and in encouraging successes of all kinds.  We actively celebrate the children’s achievements including: having leaves on our ‘Values Tree’, being written in the Golden Book, Reading Champion Certificates and Maths Stars Certificates.  We also use Class Dojo to positively reinforce good behaviour around the school.   All the children’s accomplishments in and out of school are valued and recognised in our Celebration Assembly on a Friday.  

Our approach is founded on a special partnership between you, as the parents and carers, the school and your child – education is most successful when parents and carers are closely involved with their child’s development.  We will, therefore, work closely with you to ensure your child achieves the very best. Our Behaviour Policy is based around three simple directives - Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe! These basic but incredibly important values are weaved throughout school life and contribute to creating the wholesome ethos we have. 

At Carlton C of E Primary, we believe that by embedding Christian and British values into our progressive, inspiring and ambitious curriculum ensures that the behaviour of the children and their attitudes to learning are excellent.  This is a reflection of all the hard work and dedication shown by staff, pupils and governors and the wonderful support given to us by parents, carers and the local community.

We invite you to visit us and see for yourself the nurturing ethos, community spirit and family values that combine to make our school very special and ensure that your child reaches their full potential.

I look forward to meeting you.


Jo Bevis

Head Teacher