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 Welcome to Woodpeckers’ class!

Woodpeckers have got loads of changes this year - we welcome Mrs Collier as a trainee teacher who will be mentored by Mrs Frost.  We also welcome Mrs Birch and Mrs Lam who will be working  in Woodpeckers.   Woodpeckers class is made up of Year 3 and Year 4 children, who are always keen to learn new things. The photos on our Woodpecker page show some of the amazing things we have experienced this year so far. 

Last Term, we learnt about the Egyptians and thoroughly enjoyed mummifying some oranges. In Geography we looked at the rainforest, we also produced some amazing homework pieces and work in class. We started to play the recorder and prepare for our Christmas production- Don't be Afraid in Music and in Art we drew portraits of ourselves and learnt about the artist Laura McKendry, who uses charcoal to make large gestural drawings of dogs. In Science, we made electrical circuits which will also be linked to our DT topic in the Spring and Changes of State.  Forest school has also enhanced our learning this term, focusing on  environment, teamwork, knots, safety and our favourite- cooking over the fire.  We are also very lucky to have access to an onsite swimming pool, which as soon as weather permits we use as much as we can.

PE: Woodpeckers have PE on a Tuesday with Miss Rochford who is a PE specialist, and Friday. We come into school in our PE kits so that we can have as much time developing our skills as possible.

Reading:  We encourage Woodpeckers’ to read at least two books every half term to further their love of reading and broaden their vocabulary. Your child’s reading level is decided through our Accelerated Reader programme, these books are the books they need to read when reading to an adult.  We also take regular trips to our well-stocked library to further enhance our love for reading where we can select any age-appropriate book. If you would like your child to read a certain book in class, can you please check that it is within their banded area (which can be found in their reading record) and then they will be able to take a book quiz once they finish. We assess these levels every half-term.

Homework: The weekly homework for this year has changed and is now a termly grid packed with ideas that the children can complete (see below) They will be expected to practise their spellings and go onto TTRS to improve their multiplication facts. 


Driving carefully
Acting out Safety 






Mummifying oranges 
Dojo award time 
Rainforest homework 
Pro Kicks